
Embodied Anatomy and Movement

G. Hoffman Soto 4-18-2013

This workshop will introduce and explore the inter-relatedness of Ideokinesis, Embodied Anatomy and Movement. Ideokinesis, a neuromuscular re-patterning system innovated by Mabel Elsworth Todd, can be described as visualized movement with no conscious effort. Embodied Anatomy unfolds through identification of structure, use of touch, understanding of function and the feeling of our Anatomy (ourselves) in movement. It is the study of the nature of our humanness through our physical being. The approach to Movement is somatic, with the intention to give the experience of our internal landscape both movement and life. Together the work will facilitate the ongoing process of living fully in, and through, our BodyMindSpirit continuum.

G. Hoffman Soto has been in a lifelong pursuit of personal discovery and unfoldment through a wide range of the Movement, Dance, Body Work Disciplines, and Martial Arts. Most profoundly, his approach to movement has been influenced and shaped by Anna Halprin and his 40-year association with her and the San Francisco Dancers' Workshop, later the Tamalpa Institute. He has taught in dance and martial arts studios as well as schools, centers, institutes, universities, and forests, mountains, beaches and rivers in 18 countries throughout the world over the past 35 years.


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