Our Organization
Welcome AHSE members. Below is information about our organization. You can use the topic buttons below to link directly to the section you wish to view or you can just scroll down to see all of our organizational topics.
Our Mission
We are the Association of Hanna Somatic Educators (the AHSE), a community that has come together to make this unique and effective work more widely known. We support each other in our continued learning and in our individual practices. We provide resources and in-depth information about the development of Hanna Somatic Education® (HSE), how Somatics can work for you, and where to find a practitioner.
We hold public programs to introduce and promote HSE®. We set and uphold professional standards through our Scope of Practice and Code of Ethics statements. We organize and host an Annual Convention which has workshops open to all, and connect you with other training events and learning opportunities. As a group we are committed to acting fairly and wisely toward each other and toward those with whom we work. We are proud of the talent, creativity, and passion in our AHSE community. Our website development and upkeep, convention, committees, leadership, and most other work in the organization is done by generous volunteer members. We are here to help you in any way that we can.
Just ask!
Our Board
Gabriel Posner
Gabriel Posner was elected to the office of President of the board of the AHSE in 2022. He served two stints as Vice President from 2012-2015 and 2017-2021. Gabriel also served as Director at Large #1 from 2015 until 2017 and Director-at-Large #2 from 2010-2012. With the association, Gabriel has previously enjoyed serving as the chair for the SomaTimes as well as Education committees and is currently the chair of the Research committee. He was certified in 2009 as a Hanna Somatic Educator and completed a Ph.D. in Mind-Body Medicine from Saybrook University in 2022. Gabriel lives and practices in Denver, CO and is a trainer with Essential Somatics. In his free time, Gabriel can be found exploring trail-running, mountain biking, skiing, and chasing after his three energetic kids.
Ryan Moschell
Ryan Moschell has served on the AHSE board as Director at large #3 since the spring of 2015. He was appointed to the position of Vice President in 2022. He spearheaded the interactive practitioner map on the AHSE website, worked to get our Well Mats discount as a member benefit, started the HSE Learning Community, and updated the AHSE website. Ryan graduated from the Novato Institute in 2013. He has a thriving full-time practice in Annapolis, Maryland.
Ken Bridgeman
Ken Bridgeman has served on the AHSE Board of Directors since 2010. While on the board, he has been the Membership Committee Chair, helped to develop a functional website, and is currently the Acting Editor of the SomaTimes. Ken was certified in 2003 and has incorporated Hanna Somatics into his massage practice. He resides in San Francisco, CA.
Phil Shenk
Phil Shenk was appointed to the office of Treasurer on January 22, 2016. He was elected to the office of Treasurer on April 21, 2017, to serve until 2019.
Chris Ruane
Chris Ruane has served on the AHSE board since the spring of 2021. She is chair of the Somatic Connections Committee which has been hosting online, community building events and workshops surrounding connection, marketing and outreach, as well as our public and community social media pages on Facebook and Instagram. Chris graduated from the Novato Institute in 2016 and has a private practice in Maryland where she incorporates Hanna Somatics into her work as a movement educator, health coach and massage therapist. She is continuing her Somatic Education through Somatic Experiencing and completed her BA at UMBC.
John Loupos
John Loupos, M.S., H.S.E. has served on the Board since 2009. John has served on or chaired/co-chaired numerous committees, including the Website Development Committee, The Ethics Committee, Profile Oversight Committee, Education Committee, SomaTimes Committee, and Convention Hosting Committee. John also serves as the AHSE website inquiry liaison who fields incoming inquiries. John has maintained his private Somatics practice, The Pain and Mobility Clinic, since 2005, and also owns and operates the Jade Forest Kung Fu/ Tai Chi/ Internal Arts training center in Cohasset, Ma.
Christine Curran
Christine Curran was appointed to the Board as Director at Large #3 in August 2022. She has served on the Website Committee where she assisted in creating the Annual Convention Recordings section of the AHSE website. Christine became a certified CHSE in February 2022. She also works as a Social Media Consultant and Web/Graphic Designer for a small business, is a Nia instructor, Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master in Santa Fe, NM.
Eleanor Criswell-Hanna
Eleanor Criswell-Hanna, Ed. D. is designated by the AHSE Bylaws as the sole designated director and functions as the liaison with the Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training.
Scope of Practice
Certified Hanna Somatic Educators who are members of the AHSE provide verbal or hands-on somatic education services for individual clients or groups in order to improve the integration and execution of their sensory-motor activities. This may include (but is not limited to) any of the following activities:
Applying HSE-specific processes during their sessions and classes
Educating and training individuals or groups in somatic exercises and explorations.
Disseminating educational materials to the public
Developing or providing public benefit classes and instruction in somatic movement, relaxation, re-education, and in somatic principles
Generally promoting and developing somatic movement arts, science, philosophy, and principles
Code of Ethics
All HSE Certified Practitioners agree to be bound by the AHSE Code of Ethics. As a nonprofit public benefit corporation, AHSE publishes its Code of Ethics here to inform the public of the professional and ethical standards that underlie the services our members provide.
This code of ethics:
Specifies professional standards which allow for the proper discharge of Hanna Somatic Educators' responsibilities to the clients they are serving
Protects the integrity of Hanna Somatic Education® (HSE®), the Association for Hanna Somatic Education® Inc. (AHSE), and the professional members of the AHSE
Safeguards the interests and persons of the clients under the care of Hanna Somatic Education® practitioners
HSE licensed trainers, certified practitioners, and practitioners-in-training agree to the following ethical guidelines:
Hold a sincere commitment to providing the highest quality of care to all persons who seek out my professional services
Represent my professional qualifications accurately, including education and professional affiliations, and provide only those services which I am qualified to perform by training and experience
Inform the general public, clients, and other health care practitioners accurately about the scope and limitations of HSE® practices
Acknowledge the limitations of and contraindications to the application of HSE® practices, and refer clients to appropriate health professionals as needed
Provide HSE® care only when there is a reasonable expectation that the care will be advantageous to the client
Maintain and improve my professional certification, knowledge, and skills through ongoing assessment of my professional strengths and weaknesses, and through continued education and training
Observe honesty and integrity in conducting my business and professional activities, and refuse to unjustly discriminate against clients or other ethical health professionals
Safeguard the confidentiality of all client information unless disclosure is authorized by the client, required by law or court order, or absolutely necessary for the protection of the public at large
Respect the client's right to receive care with informed and voluntary consent. The consent may be either written or verbal and will be obtained before providing any HSE® care.
Honor the client's right to refuse, request modification of, or terminate care regardless of prior consent given
Ensure the safety, comfort, and privacy of all clients in their provision of care
Exercise my right to refuse to work with a person or part of the body for reasonable cause
Refrain, under any circumstances, from initiating or engaging in any sexual conduct, activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a client, even if the client attempts to sexualize the relationship
Avoid any influences, activities or interests which might conflict with my obligation to always act in the best interests of my clients or profession
Follow all policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes, and requirements put forth by the AHSE and by any governmental regulatory agencies
Practice courteous professional relationships with HSE® and allied professional colleagues
Elections of the Board of Directors
The Association for Hanna Somatic Education, Inc., is a corporation organized under the California Corporations Code, Title 1, Division 2, Part 2, Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. The AHSE Bylaws were adapted from the provisions of Part 2 of this code, of which Chapter 5 relates to the Election of Directors. The election of Officers and Directors is governed by the AHSE Bylaws, ARTICLE 13, Section 4(f), Section 10 (b), and Section 11.
Pertinent Bylaw Provisions
Directors shall be elected by written mail or electronic ballot. Such ballots for the election of directors shall list the persons nominated at the time the ballots are mailed or delivered.
Generally, any person who is qualified to be elected to the Board of Directors (BOD) shall be nominated either by a nominating committee or by any voting member prior to the deadline for nominations for directors.
This corporation shall make available to members reasonable nomination and election procedures with respect to the election of directors by voting members.
Note: The election procedures outlined in the AHSE Bylaws do not provide for write-in votes.
Election Procedures
Active Charter or Certified members of AHSE are eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors (BOD).
Any qualified member can be nominated in writing by a nominating committee or by any qualified member (including the nominating member) before the deadline for nominations for directors.
Pursuant to the California Code for Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporations (upon which AHSE Bylaws governing election procedures are based) receipt of nominations for Officers and Directors of the AHSE Board of Directors (BOD) is due by a specified received-by date not less than 50 days and not more than 120 days prior to the announcement of the election results at the Annual Meeting. Association for Hanna Somatic Education®, Inc. 2
For a nomination to qualify, the AHSE Nominating Committee must receive the following items by January 31 of the election year, which is the deadline for nominations:
Nomination form—Contains the nominee's name and Board position for which the person is being nominated, as well as the name of the person submitting the nomination.
Acceptance form—Contains the nominee's acceptance of their nomination, ensuring their willingness to serve.
Nominee's statement to the members (optional)—Describes the nominee's qualifications, reasons for running for office, etc. To be fair, nominee statements must be limited to 300 words and can be edited by the nominations committee if needed.
Note: You can use the forms below to nominate someone, accept a nomination, and/or submit a nominee's statement. When filled out, these forms go to the AHSE Nominating Committee. Alternatively, you can send the information described via e-mail to the AHSE Nominating Committee at nomination@hannasomatics.com.
Election Procedure Forms
Click on a button below to access, fill out, and submit a form
Election Process
All current active Charter and Certified members who have paid their annual membership dues will receive an e-mail containing information about the positions open for election and the candidates, as well as directions for submitting their votes and the date by which the vote must be cast to be counted in the election.
Announcement of Directors at Annual Meeting
During the Annual Meeting, the AHSE administrator announces the results of the electronic voting process.
Election Results and Administering Oath of Office
After the election results have been formally announced at the Annual Meeting, the Oath of Office will be administered to the newly elected officers of the Association:
As a duly elected director, I promise to serve faithfully the members and purposes of the Association for Hanna Somatic Education, Inc., by fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the office to which I have been elected.

Annual Meeting Minutes


Articles of Incorporation

Nonprofit Status
The Internal Revenue Service issued a letter on July 17, 1998 stating that the Association for Hanna Somatic Education, Inc.® was determined to be an organization exempt from income tax under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501 (c) (3).
For more detailed information, contact: