The Dynamics of Tension

Making the Unaware Aware

Erik Peper 4-25-2015

Do you really understand your body’s tension levels? How much underlying tension is at work in your daily life? Do certain people cause you to brace? Can you feel it? How does your mood affect your posture and vice versa? This three-hour program will offer a wealth of research, ideas and demos to help you come to a new understanding of muscle tension and how to help your clients. This workshop will include lecture as well as experiential learning. You’ll see a live surface electromyography (SEMG) demo — make the invisible muscle contractions ‘visible,’ the un-felt tension ‘felt,’ and thus develop awareness and control. You’ll also experience progressive muscle relaxation and work with becoming aware of all that is being brought into the movement, sifting through it, and learning to let some of that tension rest, while you focus on engaging only certain areas of your body.

Erik Peper, Ph.D., BCB, is an international authority on biofeedback and self-regulation and since 1971 he has been researching factors that promote healing. He is Professor of Holistic Health Studies/Department of Health Education at San Francisco State University. He is President of the Biofeedback Foundation of Europe and past President of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. He has a biofeedback practice at BiofeedbackHealth. He is an author of numerous scientific articles and books such as “Muscle Biofeedback at the Computer”, “Make Health Happen”, “Fighting Cancer — A Nontoxic Approach to Treatment”, and “Biofeedback Mastery”. He publishes the blog, the peper perspective — ideas on illness, health and well-being. He is a recognized expert on holistic health, stress management and workplace health. His research interests focus on psychophysiology of healing, illness prevention, holistic health, respiratory psychophysiology and optimizing health with biofeedback.


25th Anniversary of Historic Wave 1 Training Program


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