Upper and Lower Extremity Work
As self-Pandiculation
Susan Koenig & Phil Shenk 4-25-2021
The foundation of the extremities is the trunk. Therefore, thoroughly working with the three basic protocols is the foundation of all extremity work. But sometimes the extremities need more attention to release chronic contraction, pain, and discomfort. Even though the brain organizes us as a whole, resetting the resting tonus of muscles crossing just one or even two joints can be greatly beneficial in the context of improving full body movements and somatic awareness. In this session, we’ll be guiding self pandiculations for the major muscles and joints of both the upper and lower limbs as time permits. Sometimes the pandiculations will be very focused and we'll work with only one joint, such as working with the flexors and extensors of the elbow. Sometimes we will work with a series of joints such as ankles, knees, and hips and then integrate these pandiculations into larger regions of the body, including the pelvis, somatic center, and up through the body in order to increase full body functioning. During the session, you’ll also have an opportunity to describe and demonstrate self pandiculations you find beneficial to yourself and clients.
The Novato Institute for Research and Training
1516 Grant Ave. #212
Novato, CA 94945
(415) 897-6044