Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis

Peggy Hackney 4-21-2011

In this workshop, you will seek ease and internal body connection as you explore a progression of basic neurological patterns that all humans traverse in early development. These “Patterns of Total Body Connectivity” stress Breath Support and Core-Support for all functional and expressive movement, and spinal Head-Tail support for all movement in the Vertical, Sagittal, and Horizontal planes. Later patterns stress Weight-Shift, and activation of the global proximal joints in full 3-D spatial usage for dynamic expression in the world. Function and Expression are in a lively interplay! One does not pattern one in absence of the other.

Peggy Hackney holds a B.A. in Psychology from Duke University, an M.F.A. in Dance from Sarah Lawrence College, and is a Certified Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analyst, a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist (ISMETA), and has a Certificate in Creative Systems Theory and Integral Leadership from The Institute for Creative Development in Seattle, WA. Peggy studied with and assisted Irmgard Bartenieff for 15 years, and has been in the Laban work for 48 years. Currently, Peggy teaches “Somatics for Performers” and approaches to choreography for UC Berkeley. She teaches the Laban/Bartenieff work in Rome, NYC, Sydney, and Rotterdam with dancers/actors, Yoga/Pilates teachers, and Dance Movement Therapists. Peggy’s book, Making Connections: Total Body Integration through Bartenieff Fundamentals is in its third printing, published by Routledge, 2003 (ISBN# 90-5699-7064—to order, call 800-634-7064 or order from


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