Enhancement Techniques for Hanna Somatics Protocols

Bogusia Badon 4-11-2010

A physical therapist for more than 25 years, Bogusia Badon will share exciting somatic maneuvers, therapeutic exercises and hands-on techniques that will complement and enhance your client work, especially those with special challenges. This interactive lecture/demonstration will present invaluable practices to increase your knowledge base and skill in working with clients with impairments in alignment, movement patterns, and musculoskeletal dysfunction.

We have all encountered clients who are unable to tolerate certain HSE lessons because of their particular pain and bracing patterns. Bogusia’s protocols have been specially designed to facilitate the natural muscle release associated with Hanna Somatics work. These enhancement techniques can be used before or after HSE lessons, and can help even very sensitive clients to be able to utilize HSE lessons. Bogosia’s Hanna Somatics-based therapeutic exercises improve self awareness and reinforce the fundamental teaching that the benefits of HSE are dependent on the client’s own somatic education, rather than the practitioner’s interventions. Come prepared to learn exciting new manual skills, communication skills and Hanna Somatic-based independent exercise that will augment and inspire your Hanna Somatics practice.

We will:

• Compare and contrast principles of Hanna Somatics with other common modalities used by physical therapists, exercise professionals and chiropractors.

• Review customization and application of Hanna Somatics protocols.

• Develop protocols for musculoskeletal disorders common in a rehabilitation setting, including neck, back, shoulder, hips, knee and ankle pain.

• Demonstrate manual skills including soft tissue and joint mobilization, as well as enhancement techniques for Hanna Somatics protocols.

• Demonstrate and teach therapeutic exercises with the use of small props such as foam rolls, Arc barrels, inflated balls, Yoga pillows and Theraband.

Bogusia Badon was born in Wroclaw, Poland. After moving to the United States, she received her license in physical therapy and founded Farmington Valley Physical Therapy, an outpatient rehabilitation center with clinics and Somatics Institute in Central Connecticut. Bogusia has over 25 years of experience treating clients in Europe and United States. She is skilled in many rehabilitation and exercise modalities, including Hanna Somatic Neuroeducation, Yoga and Pilates.


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